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In THE MONTH PRIOR to the onset of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 crisis in your area, which statement best describes the kinds of physical activity you usually did? Do not include the time you spent working at a job. Please read all six statements before selecting one.

1. I did not do much physical activity. I mostly did things like watching television, reading, playing cards, or playing computer games. Only occasionally, no more than once or twice a month, did I do anything more active such as going for a walk or playing tennis.

2. Once or twice a week, I did light activities such as getting outdoors on the weekends for an easy walk or stroll. Or once or twice a week, I did chores around the house such as sweeping floors or vacuuming.

3. About three times a week, I did moderate activities such as brisk walking, swimming, or riding a bike for about 15–20 minutes each time. Or about once a week, I did moderately difficult chores such as raking or mowing the lawn for about 45–60 minutes. Or about once a week, I played sports such as softball, basketball, or soccer for about 45–60 minutes.

4. Almost daily, that is five or more times a week, I did moderate activities such as brisk walking, swimming, or riding a bike for 30 minutes or more each time. Or about once a week, I did moderately difficult chores or played sports for 2 hours or more.

5. About three times a week, I did vigorous activities such as running or riding hard on a bike for 30 minutes or more each time.

6. Almost daily, that is five or more times a week, I did vigorous activities such as running or riding hard on a bike for 30 minutes or more each time.

Please select the option that best describes the kinds of physical activity you have usually done.

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