(A) I often wish I could be a mountain climber(B) I can't understand people who risk their necks climbing mountains
(A) A sensible person avoids activities that are dangerous(B) I sometimes like to do things that are a little frightening
(A) I would like to take up the sport of water skiing(B) I would not like to take up water skiing
(A) I would like to try surf boarding (B) I would not like to try surf boarding
(A) I would not like to learn to fly an airplane(B) I would like to learn to fly an airplane
(A) I prefer the surface of the water to the depths(B) I would like to go scuba diving
(A) I would like to try parachute jumping(B) I would never want to try jumping out of a plane - with or without a parachute
(A) I like to dive off the high board(B) I don't like the feeling I get standing on the high board (or I don't go near it at all)
(A) Sailing long distances in small sailing crafts is foolhardy(B) I would like to sail a long distance in a small but seaworthy sailing craft
(A) Skiing down a high mountain slope is a good way to end up on crutches(B) I think I would enjoy the sensations of skiing very fast down a high mountain slope